Friday, July 1, 2011

Ekstra LOL - Mark Zuckerberg & Google+

Aku harap takde dah lah sape-sape yang baca tajuk post ni the tanya 'Google+ tu apa?'. Kalau adalah baik korang selam kepala korang dalam bath tub sampai maut. So as we know google yang taknak kalah ni baru memperkenalkan satu laman web sosial bernama 'Google+'. Before aku cerita pasal Google+ ni, aku nak cakap serba sikit pasal agenda google.

Aku ada terbaca satu artikel ni yang mengatakan hasrat sebenar google memperkenalkan banyak apps. Sebelum ni the only thing yang kita tau pasal google just search engine dia. But then sejak du menjak ni kita dapat lihat lambakan apps-apps baru yang muncul.Google sketch,Google Maps and yang paling latest Google+ which is salah satu laman web sosial. Kenpa google bersusah payah nak buat semua ni?. Kenapa google nak conquer banyak benda?. sebab sebenar google buat semua ni adala sebab google nak trace semua orang didunia ni. Google nak ada data dimana semua orang ada. Dengan data-data tu, so senang google ni nak buat duit. Bila korang masukkan nama tempat tertentu dekat google Maps contohnya, pihak google akan simpan data tu dan diorang akan cuba trace mana tempat yang ramai orang pergi and dari mana.

Bukan aku nak buruk-buruk kan google. Tapi ini realiti. ini apa yang google buat.

ok. Dah panjang sangat cerita pasal google. Back to the earlier story. Google+.
Lepas aku godek-godek dekat internet aku terjumpa satu news ni yang mengatakan Mark Zuckerberg which is founder Facebook sudah buka akaun Google+. Errrkk!!!... Biar betul.kau masa dengar pun macam tak percaya. Orang tengah addicted dekat facebook but then ada lagi satu laman sosial yang mungkin boleh menyaingi facebook wujud alik-alik founder facebook sendiri join.

Yang aku nampak Google+ ni macam facebook yang mana mungkin ornag lain boleh menyamar jadi orang lain. That's why kalau korang bukak facebook then search mana-mana nama artis memang paling kurang pun 15 yang fake. So tak mustahil akaun Google+ ni fake. Tapi tak mustahil jugak yang Mark memang dah join Google+ ni.

Aku ada lah jugak nak try join tapi malang nya tak dapat sebab dah over limit. Untuk pengetahuan korang Google+ ni dibuka beberapa jam dahulu adalah untuk pengujian sahaja. Tetapi baru 6 jam dibuka, laman web ni terpaksa disekat dari sesiapa yang nak sign up sebab dah terlalu ramai yang join. Pihak Google sekarang ni belum bersedia nak release kan laman web ni sepenuhnya. So dari situ aku rasa iman Mark ni boleh tergugat jugak la..


  1. Users must be invited to join
  2. Once set up the site is designed to allow people to connect with friends and contacts
  3. Similarly to Facebook people can add profile pictures and personal details
  4. It also has a central web page that displays an ever-updating stream of the comments, photos and links being shared by friends and contacts.
  5. A major difference of Google+ is that it is centred around 'circles' or groups so users can order and view people by how they know them. From school, university or work for example
  6. Photos and videos captured on phones can automatically appear on the site
Salah satu perubahan yang ketara yang ada apada Google+ ni ialah sistem friends dia yang berbentuk circle.


The checklist includes space to include a profile picture, general interests, a list of your pals, information about your education and work life and a ‘posts’ section, the equivalent of Facebook’s ‘wall’. So far, so familiar. But on Google+ you can list your ‘bragging rights’ (‘swimming champ’ for instance), write an introduction to yourself and air your nickname.
Google’s version of the Facebook ‘like’ button is the ‘+1’ feature, which has exactly the same function. Clicking it indicates to your network what’s interested/amused/annoyed you.

Google+ allows you to share videos, links, photos and comments

Friend updates
Google is making much of its ‘circles’ feature, whereby you can group contacts into various categories such as ‘colleagues’ or ‘family’. You can then organise your update feeds to come from each of these groups separately.


Facebook’s profile page allows for a picture, and beneath that more specific information about you, such as your favourite football team, films and bands, then photos, notes and a list of friends. The main feature of the Facebook profile is the ‘wall’, which serves as a constantly updated noticeboard, full of comments, photos and links.
Facebook’s ‘like’ button has become integrated into the internet at large, with thousands of third-party sites carrying it. Many people complain that there’s not an ‘unlike’ button, for things that users find unsavoury.
Facebook functionality in this area is just the same, meaning users can send multi-media messages to friends.
Friend updates
Facebook also allows contacts to be grouped together into different lists and therefore posts can be compartmentalised in the same way as it can on Google+. However, it’s not a feature that many users are aware of.

Kat atas tu perbezaan antara Facebook dengan Google+.


peyus said...

i lovee this post. banyak benda aku tahu, keep it up bro

Unknown said...

thanks alot...jenguk2 la lagi blog ni...